Our Customers
We're passionate about the tribes we work with.
Why We Care
Serving Native American Tribes is rewarding when it comes to preserving the spirituality and tradition of each tribe. Our goal isn’t to “transform” a system, but rather to help rethink how we are using the existing resources for the greatest benefit.
While change is inevitable, becoming inefficient or outdated doesn’t have to happen. Our mission is to provide tribal governments with the solutions they need to better serve their members and improve the quality of life. The software systems we provide help tribes keep track of members and gain efficiencies to run smoother and manage their daily tasks in a way that’s easier.
The joy comes from having that initial conversation and learning about who our customers are, what problems they are facing, and how we can be of the greatest help. We take pride in helping families succeed and gain wealth and productivity in their everyday lives - and that far outweighs any of the roadblocks that may occur along the way.
“I have spent the last 28 years making technology fit people instead of making people fit technology. Developing and implementing technology that dynamically changes people's lives. Empowering organizations with information should always be the outcome.”
- Steve Wilcox
CEO & Founder

Trusted by more than 50 tribes
We proudly serve tribes of all sizes, tailoring our solutions to meet their changing needs.

Faith, Family and Culture: Meet the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma
The Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma prides themselves on preserving and celebrating their many unique traditions. From a distinctive language to stickball to native dances and artwork, they not only want to pass these traditions on to our youth, but want to share them with all people.
The Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma is the third largest Federally recognized Indian Tribe in the United States. And with over 200,000 members, they needed to make their application processing more efficient and provide better service to their members. Enter the OneTribe® Enterprise Tribal Services Solution.
Read their digital transformation story``The OneTribe platform integrates seamlessly with our APIs and internal developed online member portal creating an exceptional user experience for our member associates.``
- Todd Huges
Sr. Director IT Government Services
Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma
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We can help your tribe, too.
Request a demo.
Say goodbye to spreadsheets, paper files, and fragmented applications that slow your team down and allow your cherished members to get lost in the system. OneTribe® can provide you with an end-to-end digital solution that tracks your members from application through all departments and allows you to manage tribal services at scale.